Immigration is in the same age like humanity. People move and relocate for many-many reasons. In the ancient times our ancestors were following the animals to have something to eat. Now days we are moving for much more sophisticated motivations. We can draw a parallel between working and eating, but family reunion, learning, investing and many other things are the arguments of our age. This may be the fundamental idea what the issue of business immigration to Hungary is based on.
Modern societies have to control their borders, in order to save them, to try to prevent the entrance of undesirable people, to save the interest of their economy and to match to international treaties. All this become more important in case of developed sates what anyway attract other countries’ citizens. And finally: foreign owned companies, Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) are all the time welcomed anyway –but not for any price.
So as we can see immigration is a key-question in a country’s every days. Let’s see what about these questions in Hungary, what are the possibilities about business immigration to Hungary?
First of all there are countries which citizens are allowed to come to Hungary without visa. By definition visa is an endorsement in a passport or in a kind of similar document signifying that the document is in order and permitting its bearer to travel into or through the country of the government issuing it. Some other countries’ citizens are allowed to enter to the territory of Hungary without visa but just for a specific time interval. Because of spread reasons we do not list all the states belonging to each group. In one hand in both cases information is available at the closest Hungarian Embassy. In the other hand we assume that referring to the seriousness of the topic everybody is updated as much that we could name the “minimal level”. Needed a visa or not, if one time you are in Hungary, starting a company or inquiring for investment possibilities is way more easier.
When it comes to immigration, and to business immigration to Hungary, we have to separate third-country citizens and EU citizens. For the lasts staying is allowed mainly for gainful employment or for learning purposes, but whatever is the reason, you must be able to cover your subsistence for the full time interval of your staying included health services. The company registration is the easiest step during your business starting.
For third country citizens a “good to know” reading is the Act II of 2007 on the Admission and Right of Residence of Third-Country Nationals. If you are interested, you can find it on the internet. If you are interested but do not want to, or do not have enough time to, or you just do not like to spend time with reading-studying Acts, you can purchase the abridgement of the mentioned Act –see later.
The point is to listen carefully to your staying permit and generally to your residence status. Owning or directing a company is allowed but this itself is closely not enough for acting by the law.
To give you some touchable information, here is a citation from “Business Management Hungary – Immigration in Hungary”. This is one of our online products. Might be purchased with a simple online payment. The citation is about immigration, but the same documentation will be required when you will ask for residence permit due to business immigration reason.
“…Regulations for the Right of Planned Residence for Less than Ninety Days Within a One Hundred Eighty Days Period
Third-country nationals may enter the territory of Hungary and stay for up to ninety days within a period of one hundred eighty days from the time of first entry … under the conditions set out in the Act referred to as “Schengen Borders Code”. In lack of any other disharmonic regulations for the planned stay, not exceeding ninety days: visa is needed. (Except of those citizens whose country has opposed agreement with Hungary.)
Regulations for the Residence for Longer than Ninety Days Within a One Hundred Eighty Days Period
Those third country citizens can admit or stay in Hungary for Longer than Ninety Days Within One Hundred Eighty Days, who:
– has valid passport,
– has the permit for that (see later)
– can prove the purpose of admission or staying (there might be plenty of reasons),
– has quarters or domicile (owned or rent),
– has the financial cover of reside, subsistence and outward travel (for example savings on a bank account),
– is insured for total health services or is able to cover his health services (contract with insurance company or money in the bank),
– is not under expulsion or prohibition of admission or staying –which do not endanger the public order, the nation safety or public sanitation of Hungary,
– is not under the effect of the warning signal of SIS (Schengen Information System).
The above mentioned permit might be one of the herein under:
– visa for staying for longer than ninety days within one hundred eighty days
– residence permit
– immigration permit
– settlement permit
– temporary settlement permit
– national settlement permit
– EC (European Commission) settlement permit
– permit for back- or forward travelling (plane ticket is needed). …”
In the meanwhile you can start your company foundation, and all the overall steps to set up your business in Hungary.
A very specific permit is, if we can call it like this, the residency permit gained by investing into Hungarian Residency Bonds.
The above is really just some information from the first few pages of the abridgement. The most cardinal points are coming just after this.
So as we can see, business immigration to Hungary – but also in general – is a very deeply and particularly finished issue, what can not be introduced in a few sentences. Neither on a few pages. Changing country, relocating or starting a business is a serious decision what has plenty of international legal consequences if we don’t handle it enough carefully.
If you want to save a lot of time and headache, be wise and ask for advice and consultation.
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