A few weeks ago an article fell into my hands about a boy (14). He had learnt the basics of application software development by his own and already released an app and has three public games for Android. How this comes to Business Management Hungary?
As we know, Hungary is quite one poled and the Easter side of the country where Miskolc, his birth-town is located is not the lucky side. Also as a child of divorced parents his situation is even more complicated. Still, Dani (Dániel KISS) figured out something, is working on his plans to make them come true and now after the countrywide publicity he has to try even harder. And Business Management Hungary helps him.
Like I mentioned above first I heard about Dani while reading an article. I was reading about his story, shortly, how he became an application developer in spite of the young age of him. The media picked his story up quite fast, more and more new articles and tv interviews popped up in just less than a week. (Yeah, we like hearing about “wonder kids”. As if this would make us calm that “yes, we could do it also –if we want”!)
In this first article I read that he would like to start transforming the apps from Android to iOS as well –but he doesn’t have money to register to the Apple’s platform. Right on time I decided that this amount wouldn’t be the barrier to him: I will support him.
He was very nice and polite, he reacted to my comment, we became friends at Facebook and we started to chat, later talk by phone too. (Right after I have asked his mom’s approve for it.)

Adorján Tóth (left) and Dániel Kiss. A great beginning. (Photo by Business Management Hungary)
In the meanwhile they visited to Budapest so I was also able to give him a laser printer as a gift.
During our conversations it came to light that – above the obvious fact that for him school is first – he would like to become a professional. Also right now he says that his goal is entrepreneurship and not being an employee. So of course I offered him that I can be a kind of mentor for him: if he needs brain storming, ideas, advices, networking, representing him when it comes to sign contracts … I can be here for him.
Because of the above, right now I would like to offer a support possibility to you dear Reader!
Dani needs a Mac. A MacBok. Used? Not fancy? A little bit broken maybe? Not a problem. The only thing it has to match is to run with an OS X 10.11 El Capitan version of operation system. That’s all for now. All the rest you can offer him is more than welcomed.
What we/he could give in exchange?
We do not have fix packages, indeed! We are happy with all the small offerings, let it be a PR content, further tuition possibilities, or whatever you think that would help Dani to develop or gain experience in any field of his professional life.
Still, in general we can offer these hereinafter:
– appearance on his site, funbyte.xyz on a future menupoint, named “Our friends” or “Supporters”,
– if a given press presence doesn’t forbid, we can mention you as a supporter,
– you can mention Dani and his projects as a public CSR project of your company if you want,
– you might get advertisement places on his games or apps,
– he can make a smaller, business related/connected game specifically for you or your company. (So if you have ever wanted to be a super hero, run after zombies or just wanted to give something valuable and trendy to your clients: this is your time!)
Do you need something else? Do you have a specific idea? Just let us know what you need: we will find the way to cooperate.
So this is it for now! It’s my pleasure that I can say, now I am midwifing with the birth of a great talent’s big way -maybe to the world fame!
Good luck Dani!
Business Management Hungary