Like we wrote at the previous page, company incorporation in Hungary, from some point of view is similar, from some other point of view is very different, than anywhere else in the World. Also we separated 3 different aspects what is a must to consider by all means when it comes to talking about company incorporation in Hungary. These aspects are:
– technical facts
– expenses
– general considerations
Now we are going to talk about the expenses. Like we told this also, company incorporation in Hungary is not expensive, indeed! It’s quite a cheap and fast procedure especially in an international meaning. This point can be divided to some more sub points, such as:
– procedure fee
– lawyer’s fee
– and several other things what are directly doesn’t belong to the company incorporation but must be taken into consideration when it comes to starting business in Hungary.
The procedure fee has two factors. One is the registration fee, it costs 50 000 HUF, the other is the publication fee, it is just 5 000 HUF. This is going to the state to say in a simple way.
The lawyer’s fee is a little more complicated because it depends on many factors and requests what depends on the Client’s needs and requests. An English speaking lawyer is not a rare phenomenon as English is a very common language. But if you want an attorney who speaks your mother language, and if your language is not as widely spoken in Hungary as English or German, for example Chinese, Russian, Hebrew … these specialized lawyers’ working fee is higher than the basic price.

Business Management Hungary – Company Incorporation in Hungary
Also, if you do have any special need during the company incorporation, or if you would need a company limited by shares, the basic price will be higher.
An other far too relevant option is a monthly flat price with the lawyer’s office. You agree with the approximate monthly working hours or the needed tasks he will have to do and you will pay a fix price every month. In this case you do not have to take care of the price of the company incorporation from the lawyer’s side, it will be included to the monthly price. Such as many other important things, for example checking and making your contracts, representing you in front of the authorities, continuous consultation, etc.
We could list many other presumptions or cases but we can not touch all the possibilities. So shortly: calculating with a 200 EUR one time price as a lawyer fee for the company incorporation in Hungary will give you a good enough number what you can use in your business plan.
The third group of expenses have several members. Naturally it is not possible to get deep in all of them. Why? Accountancy, marketing, salaries, office rent, transportation, and a lot more. But still, all of them is a separate “science”. That’s why we do not start talking about it. If you would like to get offer for it, please contact us!
So because of the above we just mention the business plan what, if it is for yourself, for the inner use of the company is around 1 000 EUR to make. If it has to fit to banks’ requirements in case of a loan or to future investors’ requirements, so if it has to be more detailed and complicated, the price might go up to the double.
All the other services price requires advance consultation and necessity analysis.
And we arrived to the last point what we have to talk about while running over the basic thoughts of a company incorporation in Hungary.
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