Entrepreneurship. A notion which may have become overvalued, mystical and on first glance seems to be impossible to reach. A motion, which most of the people, especially young people think will solve their life. And a notion, what is a kind of fundamental for our daily life wether we mean the employment aspect or as part of the whole economy. But is it really as hard as it seems?
As you can read under the Businesses menu item, ther is a quote from Barack Obama: „with the changing economy, no one has lifetime employment”. Probably realizing this universal fact was one of the most powerful forces that drove young people towards the idea of entrepreneurship. Or, at least, towards the wish to start working for their own, despite the possible failures, mistakes and many other obstructive circumstances. But do you really have to be scared?
Not necessarily, however, you might want to be cautious.
What is the first thing that comes to mind for the majority of people when it comes to entrepreneurship or business? What is the first for you? By my experience the main things are:
– financial independence;
– working anytime when you want, without fixed working hours-,
– working anywhere you want;
– getting rich;
– hard work but earlier retirement;
– you work for yourself.
Well, all of them are partially true, but the whole picture is much more complex. Out of the hard work, all the initial thoughts are about an easier, richer, more comfortable life. But is that really like this? Is real entreprneurship really as easy as ABC?
Unfortunatelly, I don’t have the Philosopher’s Stone, so I can not answer you simply and straight with a big YES. Many problems might occour during your ventures:
– most of the people will let you down;
– stress;
– you will find things to do -all the time;
– doubt.

Are you at least as strong as this small flower in the middle of nothing? (Photo by Valéria Ratfai)
The mentioned difficulties, unexpected challanges, the pre-work period of your job (just like business plan, market research, making a persona) are all collaterals. But, and this is a big BUT, using others’ experience, having a mentor and/or participating trainings and business kind tuitions, wether personal or online ones could give you a lot of help.
At Business Management Hungary all the members of the Professional Board has a decad (or decades) long experience in most parts of business life. From founding a company via building your team through any kind of legal or taxation questions including sales, marketing, finance, daily operation and tendering.
So we decided to share our experience with young entrepreneurs or “wanna be entrepreneurs” in order to help them to start theirs businesses and to do the first step towards theirs dreams and goals.
To ask for a consultancy: contact us or follow us on Twitter (here or here) or check our LinkedIn site to stay updated about our team consultations. Eh, do not forget about Facebook!
Whichever way you choose, either to start alone or to ask for consultation, never forget:
“Sometimes you WIN, sometimes you LEARN”.
John. C. Maxwell
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
Albert Einstein
Business Management Hungary
published on LinkedIn 27/08/2015 by Business Management Hungary